In the Sultanate of Oman over 200 hostages are being held-the world helplessly watches as the Madness begins; the spirit of the Mahdi is abroad, intent on financial and political domination To the Oman comes ващфзa quiet Congressman from Colorado: Evan Kendrick would seem an unlikely hero, but in his past there is a violence that he cannot forget-the blood of 70 men, women and children in a country which he fiercely loves He will be the bolt that changes a nation-but which natвмцйиion? On the other side of the world, five of the very rich-and very different-meet They are the Inheritors of Inver Brass, changers of the world A new kind of world saviour is sought, an innocent messiah Kendrick is to be that unwitting victim На английском языке Автор Роберт Ладлэм Robert Ludlum Родился в Нью-Йорке в семье бизнесмена Окончил университиет штата Пенсильвания Работал актером на Бродвее и на телевидении, был театральным и телевизионным продюсером С 1971 годавсэво - профессиональный писатель Первый роман "Наследство Скарлатти" .